You have probably received feedback or been given recommendations on numerous occasions. Have you ever stopped to think about whether you are doing things the right way?
This post will discuss feedback. It can be used to help or hinder business productivity. Contact Digital Specialist for more detailed feedback managing tips.
What is feedback?
Feedback refers to information being shared between people to improve their professional performance and/or a product or process.
It can be viewed as the relationship between the client and the company. Feedback is the process by which the person receiving a product or service communicates their level of satisfaction.
It’s also possible for the client to communicate some type of suggestion to improve the quality of what he’s purchased.
Avoid these 9 mistakes in feedback communication
You know that how we communicate with other people is key to ensuring that communication goes along a positive path. To ensure that feedback is received well and contributes to professional development within the company, it must be considered the following: the forms, the communication tone, and the ideal time.
Here are 9 feedback mistakes that you need to avoid in your business.
Negative feedback is often mistaken for criticism
The first point you need to address is the one that causes the most confusion or can cause the most problems for the other person.
Negative feedback can sometimes be confused with criticism. These two terms can be used to describe very different situations. The first is to make sure that the receiver is aware of a point of improvement so that they can work on it. The second is to criticize the way a task or the way it is being done.
The employee should feel that you care about them, their performance, and how they are doing.
Does negative feedback
It may seem that you think it is better to have a few pleasant things each day. This is false. It is best to have a meeting where all points of improvement are discussed with the worker so that he can see that it was productive and that the pain he feels once only. They can be given over time and the result is a negative image of you or your boss. This is exactly what we want.
Get positive feedback
Negative feedback is easier to convey in one meeting, but positive feedback can be given over time. It is a great way to keep your worker motivated, as it is always nice to hear positive news over time.
Begin with negative feedback
It’s basically like this: Positive feedback + Negative Feedback + Positive Feedback.
The strong points, as you can see, are the beginning of the conversation and the end. This allows the worker to have an open mindset from the beginning, not feel attacked and leaves the meeting with a good taste in their mouth.
Negative feedback should not be ignored
When giving negative feedback, it is important to keep it focused. This means that you only comment on the specific areas that need improvement and not all.
Negative feedback can be communicated at the start of the week
It is not uncommon to begin the day or week with staff meetings. Staff members can then comment on the points and suggest improvements. It may work at the organizational level but it doesn’t work at the human level.
You must get the worker motivated. Providing suggestions for improvement is not the best way of starting the day.
Only one-way feedback
It is a mistake to perceive feedback as being unidirectional. It is better to allow everyone to voice their opinions and for them to be taken into consideration. Only this way can professional improvement and productivity occur.
Do not follow a process
It is important to not follow a process as if it doesn’t make sense. When giving feedback, you should follow the same process: identity, analyze the cause(s), reflect on how to communicate, and then proceed with communication, seeking solutions for both the employee as well as the evaluator and finally following up. How this feedback is changing.
We are not going to give examples.
Using examples to illustrate the feedback is a great way for someone to see which cases could be improved. You know that the best way for a person to absorb a concept or information is to show it using examples.
Positive and negative feedback needs to flow in the same direction through the company at all levels.
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